Three days to go! Then it’s time to give my very personal talk SENTENCED TO BLINDNESS – THEN WHAT? in front of a public audience in Almind Forsamlingshus. It’s not new for me to give talks and I’ve performed for groups of people where I didn’t know a soul among the audience, but talking in front of family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances and unknowns. Pheeew … “What will they think? Will it be awkward? Will people think it’s too much? Will they be bored? Will they think I’m not good enough? Will they be excited? Will they be inspired? Questions like these are created by the mind based on experiences from the past.
And notice that they are predominantly negative. Scientists have discovered that the vast majority of thoughts we humans think are negative and based on fear. Fear of not being good enough or not being successful. Some of you guys reading this post may say “fear … not with me!” And many of you girls reading this may say, “hmmmm maybe he’s on to something.” 😊 These are subconscious programs programmed into the subconscious mind. And the programmer is the life we have lived in the culture we have grown up in.
When I’m on stage Wednesday I will be completely ready and have managed to silence the voices saying “But Morten … do you really think they want to hear you at all?”, because I’ve discovered that you can actually do just that! You only have to discover that the voices are there and that they control the majority of our actions in our lifes disguised as subconscious thoughts.
When you finally can say “ahhhh I discovered that the thoughts are an illusion,” you have become the observer of the mind and then you are ready to break the barrier that is yourself.
Now my negative voice is quiet again, and the voice that says “Come Morten – YOU CAN DO IT” sounds aloud in my inner ear. I’m looking forward to Wednesday, and I know we’ll have a fantastic, inspiring and energized evening with room for thought, laughs, coffee and cake.
The talk will be en Danish.